


How do we work with sustainability?

Our conference affirms commitment to consider the environment and enduring impact in our operations. Conference organising is a part of an industry with a long way to go, so it is important to us to continuously try to manage our meetings and conferences in a more responsible manner,  actively working towards making more sustainable choices and help participants  to see how they can do the same.   

Below, you’ll find an exploration of how we act on this commitment through the lens of ESG—Environmental, Social, and Governance—  delineating some of the focus areas prioritised related to  event organisation practices.


Focus Areas

(Name of Conference) focus areas

Below, you’ll find an exploration of selected focus areas which are prioritised related to  event organisation practices.

We consider:


All participants are encouraged to make use of public transport when possible.


The pocket programme or programme leaflet is printed on FSC-certified paper.

Venue choice

Conference will be held at venue that prioritise sustainability.

Meeting culture

When possible, organising meetings and scientific committee meetings are held online.

Limited printing

The abstract book is not printed and only available online. Electronic signage when possible.

Delegate badges

Delegate badges are made from recycled paper and only printed on demand. Keyhangers used for delegate badges are recycled. No plastic sleeves used for delegate badges.

Recycling of materials

All materials used by the conference are recycled, such as paper, plastic, metal and other recyclable materials.

Comsumption reduction

Conference does not make use of conference bags. Where possible only electronic or pre-existing signage is used. 

Speaker logistics

All speakers and organisers are staying at hotels in walking distance to the venue.

Minimize food waste

Decrease of catering orders with 5-10% accounting for no shows and participants only being present for part of the conference.

Plastic reduction

Conference offers water dispensers or tap water and encourage delegates to bring their own drinking bottles. No use of plastic bottles.


Conference supports and actively promotes diversity and inclusion related to gender, nationality, etc. related to all conference acitivies.  


Different registration fees are offered to facilitate the participation of students, early career researchers and participants with less financial means.


Other text here

Choice of PCO

Choice of a Green Tourism Organization-certified congress organiser as Secretariat.

Dive into the following focus areas...

Location & SuStainability


As of the general location, Copenhagen is the congress capital of Scandinavia and its vibrant cultural heart. Copenhagen offers world-class possibilities for conferences and has a natural focus on legacy.  Experience it for yourself. Swim in the clean waters of the city’s harbour baths, stay in a sustainable hotel, eat organic, and ride the electric city bikes around the old maritime city. 

Considered one of the most sustainable cities in the world, Copenhagen is home to 546 km of bike paths, a fleet of electric harbour ferries and a majority of the hotel rooms around town are eco-certified. 

Wonderful Copenhagen ​logo

venue Choice

Marmorhallen (University of Copenhagen)

Both the choice of geograpic location and the specific conference venue is important. the conference will be held at Marmorhallen venue which is a part of University of Copenhagen. University of Copenhagen as institution has initiated actions to operate in a sustainable manner. Learn more: 

venue Choice

Bella Center

Both the choice of geograpic location and the specific conference venue is important. The conference will be held at Bella Center Copenhagen. By 2050, they aim for net zero operations, with a 50% reduction by 2030.  Learn more:

venue Choice

Scandic [indsæt hvilken!]

Both the choice of geograpic location and the specific conference venue is important. The conference will be held at Scandic [indsæt hvilken!]. Learn more about their sustainability  policy:    


Sustainable partnerships

Good partnerships are the cornerstone of successful conference organisation, providing diverse perspectives and expertise that enhance the quality and impact of  events.

PCO CAP Partner

MIFFI conference organiser (PCO) and acting Secretariat, CAP Partner, is a ceritifed Green Tourism Organization. As a sustainability certified organization, they have social and environmental sustainability as critical guiding principles for their work when organising conferences and meetings.  


Waste reduction

Several ways.  Listed below: 


Several ways. 

Food waste

Food waste is minimized by decreasing catering orders with 5-10% – accounting for no shows and participants only being present for part of the conference 

Limited consumption

Several ways.  Digital solutions. 


Other Sustainability Initiatives

Other honorable mentions. 

Inclusion and diversity


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