Abstracts at MiFFI 2025
We invite you to submit your abstract for an opportunity to present at MiFFI 2025.
- Oral presentation: There are 16 oral presentation slots, each 10 minutes, selected from the submitted abstracts.
- Poster presentation: There will be poster session, giving a platform to present and discuss the work.
This is a fantastic opportunity to showcase your research to an international audience and engage in insightful discussions.
We look forward to your contribution and can’t wait to see the diverse and exciting research that will be shared at MiFFI 2025!
Abstract submission opens:
Primo December 2024
24 February 2025 (extended!)
Abstract & Grant notification:
Primo Marts 2025
early bird registration:
7 Marts 2025
abstract presenter registration Deadline:
18 Marts 2025
MiFFI Newsletter sign-up
Abstract submission (extended deadline 24 February!)
Abstract submission for Miffi 2025 is closed.
See important deadlines (to the right) and guidelines below.
Travel grants
MiFFI 2025 is offering 10 travel grants to abstract presenters. The travel grant covers travel and accommodation up to 5.000 DKK ≈ 670 EUR.
- 5 grants is dedicated to abstract presenters from Low or Low middle income Countries (see list here)
- 5 grants is dedicated to abstract presenters who are Master and PhD students.
Abstract Guidelines
Please find all abstract information below.
For all enquiries regarding abstracts and speakers, please contact the MIFFI 2025 Conference Secretariat, Conference Manager, Mille Skovbjerg at ms@cap-partner.eu
Abstract submission conditions
Abstracts must be submitted no later than Monday 18 February 2025
- Abstracts must be submitted in English.
- Please indicate whether you are interested in a poster or an oral presentation at the conference. Oral abstract presenters will be chosen for each of the eight parallel sessions of the conference.
- The final selection of presenters of poster and oral presentations is subject to the Scientific Committee’s discretion.
- Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference’s abstract book.
- By submitting an abstract you consent to giving MiFFI permission to publish your abstract.
- Withdrawal of abstracts can only be accepted if notified in writing and subsequently confirmed by the MiFFI conference organisers.
Abstract presenters
The presenting author must register as an active participant at the conference at the latest 14 days after acceptance notification of an abstract. Please beware of the deadline for early bird tickets, if you want to take advantage of this offer.
The MIFFI 2025 Conference Secretariat reserves the right to exclude any abstract that is not followed by a participant registration at the latest 14 days after notification of acceptance.
You are allowed to submit one abstract as the registered author but can be co-author on multiple abstracts.
Content of your abstract
- The abstract word limit is max. 400 words per abstract.
- It is important to ensure that your abstract does not contain spelling, grammatical or scientific errors, as it will be reproduced as submitted. If English is not your native language, we encourage you to have your text edited by a native English speaker before submission.
- The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study.
- You will be asked to enter the name(s) of author(s) and their affiliation(s) when you submit your abstract.
- All abbreviations must be defined in first use.
- The abstract should be divided into these headings: Introduction, Methods, Results & Conclusions.
Abstract template
The abstract should be divided into these headings:
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
The scientific committee will review the abstracts.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of the abstract will be sent to submitters by early March 2025.
It is the responsibility of all investigators that all studies are performed with respect to national legislation, international legislation and ethical guidelines both with regards to humans and/or animals. The MIFFI 2025 Scientific Committee reserves the right to reject any submitted abstract that is believed to violate these principles.
Please verify that your email address (submitter and presenting author) is correct, as it will be used for contacting you after the review process.
Poster guidelines
Measurements: Posters should be displayed in portrait style. The maximum size of your poster should be a standard A0:
- Measure in centimeters 118,9cm (height) by 84,1cm (width)
- Measure in inches 46,813 (height) by 33, 11 (width)
Content and design:
- All posters should include title, name of authors, institution, city, and country.
- The lettering of the title should be at least 25 mm high and the main text at least 10 mm high.
- The poster should be easily readable from a distance of 2 meters.
- The language of the poster should be English.
- The Conference Secretariat provides equipment for setting up the posters on the boards.
- The Conference Secretariat takes no responsibility for left or damaged posters.
Presenting: Please be present at your poster during the poster sessions. The poster will also be available for viewing by participants during other breaks of the conference.
Schedule: Your poster must be placed in the room during the morning break at 10:30 on Thursday 10 April. It should remain mounted and available for viewing until the end of the Poster Session on Friday. After this time, we will start to take down the poster boards and any posters remaining will be disposed of.
Oral guidelines
Presentation: Duration of your presentation will be informed prior to the conference by e-mail. You can find the programme online where you can see the exact time of your presentation.
Presentation format: Please prepare your presentation in PowerPoint (16:9).
Upload of your presentation: Bring your presentation to the auditorium of your talk in one of the breaks. An AV assistant will help you upload the presentation to the computer.
Please make sure to upload your presentation at least 30 min. before your session starts.
It is not possible to use a personal laptop for presentations, so please bring your presentation on a USB stick.
Short speaker bio: We would like to encourage you to send a very short bio to the chair of your session, so he/she can introduce you accurately.